July 31, 2017

Gender Reveal!

My sweet Mama and Sister in Law - Michelle, threw Jon and I a gender reveal party! Here is a video of the night that Michelle put together (she is so talented!).....

The whole night was so great and we are just so grateful for all of our family that came over to support us! Baby boy #2 is already so loved! 

We were SO surprised to find out that we are expecting another BOY but we really couldn't be more excited. We can't wait for Hudson to have a little buddy and call me crazy but I think it will be so fun to be a boy mom! :)

16 Weeks Along

(July 24, 2017)

In a couple of days I will be 16 weeks along with our second sweet baby! Tomorrow we find out the gender + we couldn't be more excited! Both Jon + I think it will be a girl but I have no idea + would be so happy with either. This pregnancy has been really good. The first trimester was definitely harder this time around so that makes me think that it could be a girl or maybe it was just because I have been dealing with different things...like a toddler + an early morning job?! That could be it! Anyways I have been mad at myself lately because I haven't been very good at documenting this pregnancy so far...it's finally time to start something or else I will regret it!

How far along: about 16 weeks

How big is the peanut: the size of an avocado? My app says 4.61 inches + 3.5 ounces

Total weight gain/loss: definite gain...at my last appointment I was up about 7 lbs. so I'm probably at about 10 lbs. heavier now

Maternity clothes: I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes but my pants + skirts are getting unbearable + occasionally I will wear a maternity shirt!

Sleep: I keep finding myself sleeping on my back + it has kind of been freaking me out/making my back ache even worse! I told Jon last night that I think I will be breaking out the snoogle soon....all he said was "Thanks for the warning!" Haha!

Best moment this week: It hasn't happened yet, but tomorrow we get to see our sweet babe + find out the gender! My sweet sister in law, Michelle + my mama are throwing us a gender reveal party too tomorrow night. So I'm pretty sure all of tomorrow will be pretty great!

Symptoms: Tired all the time! I still feel a little nauseous every now + then too but I think I just need to start eating a little bit more each day.

Food cravings: Fruit, Otter Pops, Cheeto Puffs 

Food aversions: This whole pregnancy I have been against eggs - they make me want to gag!

Gender: We find out TOMORROW! YaY!

Labor signs: I have been cramping often but that's probably just gas haha! (TMI!)

Belly button in or out: Still in!

What I miss: Sushi + cold lunch meat.....my mouth is watering.....

What I'm looking forward to: TOMORROW!

Bump: I'm definitely starting to stick out....especially after every meal haha. No, but I do have more of a bump this time around than last. I will try to get a picture soon as evidence!

Baby #2

(May 24, 2017)

Yep, Jon + I are expecting again! Baby Wilkey #2 is in the oven + it has already been quite the adventure! :)

A few months ago Jon + I decided that we wanted to start trying to have a baby. Ideally we wanted to have our next kid in the fall but for some reason Wilkey's just love to be born in January! So our whole fall baby plan didn't work out...it never works out how you think it will!

Anyways after a few months we were able to get pregnant again! Earlier this month...I think it was May 4th to be exact...I was feeling a little moody + exhausted + I knew that my period could be coming any day but I kept getting this feeling like I should take a pregnancy test so I did + it was positive within seconds! CrAZy! Jon + I are so excited to be welcoming another kiddo into our family. I plugged in some information for a due date calculator online + it said January 10th but I have my first doctor's appointment on June 5th + hopefully they will confirm around when we should be expecting this next little babe!

I have already been feeling a lot of symptoms + it has already been way different from when I was expecting Hudson. It definitely makes me question if we are pregnant with a sweet little girl or not! Jon + I would seriously be so happy either way though. :)

Today I am about 6 weeks along.

Symptoms: nauseous on + off throughout the day, cramping like crazy, SO EXHAUSTED, can't sleep at night....

We are so excited to be having another kiddo!