October 26, 2016


Sleep has become overrated in my life + that's ok...it's overrated but I definitely still love + crave a good nap or a good nights sleep! I remember in high school + even in college when I wasn't married I could sleep in until noon! Now sleep has become an inconsistent treat! 

When I was pregnant with little Hud, I had the hardest time with sleeping + it was rough! I felt like I couldn't get comfortable + when I did get comfortable I would have to get up to go to the bathroom so often during the night! But I was ok with it because I knew that being sleep deprived was so worth what was coming our way + I always told Jon that Heavenly Father was just prepping me for the nights ahead with Hudson.

Hudson has been a fairly good sleeper...although he still does not sleep through the night consistently. But you know that's alright. I love being with Hudson + I love seeing how happy he gets when he sees me! I have also come to terms with him waking up in the middle of the night because I know that he will eventually grow out of it + then I will wish that I could cuddle him in the middle of the night. 
I am definitely not perfect though - some nights I get frustrated + impatient - but I try to remind myself that Hudson is just a baby....a really cute baby :) 

Even when Hudson does sleep through the night, I find myself waking up + not being able to go back to sleep. It takes me probably 1-2 hours to go back to sleep. GAH! I've looked into different things that could help + here's a few that I have found helpful....

- Exercise - I am trying to be more consistent with this. I do know that I always sleep better at night when I do workout.

- Reading - but don't read on your phone or tablet. I feel like anytime I pick up my phone or look at a screen it just stimulates my eyes + brain...if that makes any sense at all?!

- Mind Mapping - click here for a helpful website to get you started! Most nights when I can't go back to sleep it's because I have all of these thoughts racing through my head so when I mind map it helps me take my thoughts + put them on paper + then I can rest easier!

- Hot Milk Drink (YuM!) (Here's the recipe) It's the Sleepy Time recipe! :)  

Hope you + me both have a good nights sleep tonight! 

October 20, 2016

October Love

This has been a really great month. It helps that I already love October so much! Cool weather, pumpkin everything, fall decorations, changing leaves, soup, + pulling out my sweaters + cute boots! How could anyone not love the fall?!

Anyways...I feel like we are finally finding our place here in Utah County. I am not going to lie...it was a hard adjustment for me! The first month was particularly hard because I didn't know anyone in the area, I wasn't familiar with what was around me + we were pretty much broke. But Jon + I have made some new friends + we have been able to get out + go places so now we know where things are + about how long it will take us to get there. We have two Target stores + Ikea that are all 15 minutes away....now that was easy to get adjusted to!

Ever since Hudson was born I have struggled with getting into a routine + actually doing things besides binge watching TV shows on Netflix. But this past month I have tried harder to plan things throughout the week + I made a little weekly cleaning schedule + since I've done that I have felt a lot happier + more productive. Another thing I added to my routine was exercise (I AM SO OUT OF SHAPE! Seriously though, I've been doing some push ups...on my knees...for the past few weeks + my arms still shake when I'm doing the last few hah!). But I have been trying to get a little bit of exercise in at least three times throughout the week. I am debating about getting a gym membership here too but if I do that we would probably sign up for daycare + I worry about little Hud getting sick. I might just be a paranoid mama!? What do you think? How do you feel about gym daycares? I think I might just be thinking about it too much.  

Hudson is such a fun little dude. I love being able to spend everyday with him + I love watching him pick up on new things. He has started waving at people + it is just the cutest thing. This month Hudson...

- Has been walking around as he holds onto our furniture
- Has been such a curious little guy who never stops moving!
- Eats lots + lots of food. He loves anything with sweet potatoes, pears, apples, pizza, mac n cheese, + of course anything that we are eating. He does not like oatmeal, rice cereal, baby food veggies, + he still won't drink through a bottle.
- Says "dada" ALL the time + we love it!
- Loves being in our kitchen + bathrooms (he loves flushing the toilet + unrolling the toilet paper!)
- Learned how to open cupboards + drawers
- Sleeps alright....we probably get 2 maybe 3 nights a week when he'll sleep through the night. Other nights he'll wake up about 2 times. When he does wake up he is super super grumpy + he Hates...yes hates with a capital H....when we change his diaper in the middle of the night. I feel bad for our poor neighbors down stairs....

I sure love our sweet Hudson. He has been such a good babe.

September 28, 2016

The Past 7 Months

I have been so horrible at getting on here since Hudson was born! That should give me more of a reason to hop on + document everything! Here is a recap of the past months since our little guy was born!

February 2016
Of course the major highlight of this month was the arrival of our cute little guy! I posted his birth story in the previous post if you haven't checked that out already. Hottie Jon also had a birthday this month - I feel like a bad wife because I slacked big time in celebrating his birthday. Hudson was born two days before his birthday + I was dealing with some major hormonal issues along with adjusting to life with a newborn babe. I know.....excuses excuses....I do plan to make it up to him though :)

My mom helped us out a ton the first couple of weeks + we so appreciate her for that. She even went out + got Jon a birthday cake + ice cream. She's one heck of a mama - love you!!

We really appreciate all of the help we received this first month that we had Hudson with us. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hi, who brought us meals + those who even just sent us texts or congrats through social media. Thank you!

Fun side story....my dad thought the beanies they put on the newborns at the hospital looked pretty girly so he went out + bought Hud some baby clothes + beanies that looked more manly. Haha - he's a great papa! 

Those newborn days go by so quickly....some days I wish I could rewind + hold this little 7 lb babe again.

March 2016 - One month old
I was just going to choose one picture for each month to put on here but it was too hard to choose just one! March was a good month - we got more into the swing of things with this little guy + we started to get more + more smiles + personality out of him. 

We went on weekly walks with my friend from school + her little girl. 

This cutie pie + his love for bath time! :)

Hudson's baby blessing was also this month. Jon did such a great job - he put so much thought into it + the spirit was so strong. I looked forward to the day Jon would bless our baby long before I was even pregnant. I am so grateful for all of the men in Hud's life + for the examples that they will set for him. 

April 2016 - Two months old
Jon accepted a job at Bingham High School as a school counselor this month! This month Hudson started sleeping longer stretches throughout the night + that helped him mama out so much!!! We also confirmed with the doctor this month that Hud had an umbilical hernia (a belly button that sticks out pretty far). His belly button was pretty scary looking + to be completely honest it was gross. You could press down on it + it would make these gurgling noises. But thankfully after a couple of months his belly button was back to normal! Jon was the baby whisperer this month - I feel like everytime he held Hudson, Hud fell asleep within seconds. I love watching Jon with our sweet little guy - he is such a good dad!

Dad already starting some strength training! ;)

My little bear cub <3 td="">

May 2016 - Three months old
Jon + I graduated this month! Jon got his masters in Counseling + I got my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. We also moved in with my parents for the summer at the end on this month. We sadly had to say goodbye to Cache Valley. Hopefully we will call the valley home again in the future!

This month Hudson started laughing a little bit here + there + more often then not he was smiling. Our little guy is already making an impact on this world - he makes everyone smile! In May he also became a little wiggly fella + he started to really like tummy time + would try so so hard to roll over!

We experienced the 4 month sleep regression right around this time + it was no joke!!!!! We could not get this kiddo to go to sleep + stay asleep for more than 15 minutes! He was struggling big time in learning how to go to sleep on his own. So we let the little guy cry it out. It was SO HARD for us. I never could have done it without Jon by my side. I thought that letting your little babies cry it out was awful + I really did not want to do it but we were at our wits end + seriously I would probably do it again with our next baby. The first night was awful - he cried for about 1 + 1/2 hours. We checked in on him every 10 minutes (without picking him up...just soothing him by putting our hand on his chest + talking to him for a minute or two). Eventually he fell asleep + he slept almost through the night, just waking up once! The second + third night he cried for about 20 minutes + then fell asleep on his own + then after that he became such a champ when it came to bedtime! YaY!

Jon's favorite picture of Hud <3 td="">

Goodbye retro yellow kitchen!

June 2016 - Four months old
Hudson got to start eating some baby food this month! This month he started putting everything he could get his hands on in his mouth! He was still smiling like crazy + loving bath time! This month he also started to roll from his back to his stomach - every time we set him down he would automatically roll over! We got pretty well adjusted to living with my mom + dad during this month. We sure do love them!  

This month Jon also got to go to Chicago with a couple of his brothers. He had a great time! He ate at some yummy restaurants + visited a lot of popular sights! Hudson + I sure missed him when he was away! 

We took a trip to Logan for my sister in law, Jenny's, graduation

Mornings out on my parents patio

4 month old pictures taken by my Mama - so cute!

First time in the little kiddy pool!

Jon at the Chicago skydeck!

Hud was all tuckered out from his first Lagoon trip!

Photo bomber!

July 2016 - Five months old
Hudson started making lots of cute noises + would babble quite a bit this month! It was so stinking cute! He also learned how to roll from his tummy to his back so he became a rolling machine! He loved eating pears, sweet potatoes, + prunes. He also loved to suck on watermelon, apples, + peaches! Whenever we went outside Hudson would go quiet in an instant + would look around at everything - this kiddo loves being outside!

This month we looked around at places to live in Utah County + we found a condo in Saratoga Springs + signed our contract in the middle of the month! We moved all of our stuff in near the end of the month but we didn't officially start living there until August! Geesh, it was a crazy summer + Hudson was such a champ with all of the changes!

Happy 4th of July!

Sitting up on his own for the first time!

Hud the water baby! My mom + I took him to the pool a couple of times over the summer + he LOVED it!!!
And this floatie was so much fun for him!

Hudson's first cabin trip + four wheeling ride

Hud + his cousin Graham....only 3 weeks apart!

August 2016 - Six months old
Hud the stud turned half a year old this month! It's so crazy how fast the time flies by with a little baby around! He makes our life so much sweeter. This month he started sitting up on his own + he started army crawling around like crazy - he became such a wiggly little fella over night! My days at home with him are anything but relaxing - haha - I am constantly chasing this kid around! :)

We officially moved to Saratoga Springs this month + have enjoyed our start here! Our condo is quite an upgrade from our little Cache Valley apartment!

At the end of this month we went up to Cache Valley again + went to Bear Lake with Jon's family. It was a fun little weekend away!!

Sitting up all on his own!

Visited Dad at his work! We had to see his office with his Lebron James poster up on his wall! 

We live on the third floor at our new place + Jon has been determined to not make more than one trip up those stairs with groceries....his hands are so full!!!!!!! I just try not to think about which bag has the eggs in it!

Time for a new TV stand!

Bear Lake! So pretty!

September 2016 - Seven months old
Hudson had been one crazy kiddo this month! He has been hating having his diaper changed. As soon as we put him on his changing pad he rolls right over + is up on his hands + knees! We have had to get creative in how to distract him! He graduated from army crawling this month + is now a crawling champ on his hands + knees. He pulls himself up on everything around the house + he is just barely starting to walk around the furniture slowly as he holds on to things. Hudson is such a smartie! He wakes up 1-2 times at night + is crazy grumpy until he gets food haha - I feel bad for our neighbors!

When he learned how to stand up in his crib on his own, Hudson would not go to sleep during naptime or at night! Oh my goodness! We had a three day stretch when we were up with him almost every hour throughout the night - it was ROUGH! But once he mastered this skill + realized that he could do it after he woke up he decided that he would sleep haha. Thank goodness! I did some research on why this happens + it's just something babies go through when they learn new skills! 

Hudson likes his exersaucer for other reasons than actually sitting + bouncing in it!

Most of my pictures these days are blurry - this kiddo is always on the move!

What nap time looks like more often than not!

Heart eyes for dayssssss! <3 td="">

Hud's first Bingham High Football game! Gotta support Dad's school!

If you made it this far - thanks for sticking it out + catching up on our life lately :) I sure do love my little family!