August 18, 2010

It has been awhile....

I haven't been on in forever and summer is almost over!
Time has flown by and most of summer I sadly spend at work! But the times that I haven't spent there have been great!
I've made a lot of time for my family and we've had some really good times together! And other times I've spent with my great roommates and friends. :)
Summer has so far consisted of...
- A Montana trip
- Family Family Family
- A smidge of drama...
- Work work work
- Lagoon with a cute boy
- A purple and green paint fight
- What seemed to be a ton of car problems
- Missing my Florida friends
- Reading a few books
- Going to the cabin with my family
- Tons of Olive Garden with Tyler
- Cliff jumping
- Late night workouts/scary movies with Chelsie
- Fishing
- Running
- Movies and music
- Scooter and just recently motorcycle rides ;)
- And a lot of sleeping and eating!

I know I am forgetting a lot and this list could go on forever but it is late and I am calling it a night!
I will post again soon :)