April 27, 2012

Busy Bee...

Life has been really busy! 
- I started my new job at the hospital a few weeks ago 
{and I am Loving it!}. 
- Jon and I are finishing up our semester of school - Finals next week! -
- We're trying to sell off our apartment. 
{My brother and sister in law are moving to California (we are really going to miss them but we wish them the best!) and we're moving into their nice apartment in a couple weeks!}
- Trying to squeeze in time to work out and eat healthy meals
{My mom and I signed up for the Top of Utah Half Marathon...yikes!}
- The past few days Jon and I have both been addicted to Words With Friends
- Been doing crafts here and there
- Jon and I are both so ready for the summer!

 Jon gave me this pretty flower on my first day of work at the hospital...it lasted almost a month!
Soon after this flower died, Jon surprised me with another and it is now gracing our dinner table :)
Jon is so great, I sure do love him!