For Jon's Birthday I got him tickets for the Jazz/Heat game for last Friday night, and it was so much fun! What a game!
Normally I don't care too much about basketball and who wins, but I was so into the game on Friday. Jon and I both went to the game thinking that the Heat would blow away the Jazz but wow! The Jazz were playing so good, we ended up winning by one point!
Saturday was filled with...
- Work
- Crafts
- Work
- Homework
- Food (we made homemade hamburgers! Yum!)
- Larry Crowne (not recommended, but it was alright)
- Dessert
- and much needed Sleep :)
And also Saturday was the day that my parents and my little brother took their new snowmobiles out for the first time! They took this trail out to Hardware Ranch and ended up getting stuck! So stuck that they needed to find help! My mom and Jeremy ended up having to hike right around 5 miles in waist deep snow and my dad went on his own to find some help - while getting stuck again himself. How scary. They were able to get a lot of help from a wonderful search and rescue crew and thankfully they are all ok! I'm so thankful that our Heavenly Father was looking out for them!
I will post the crafts I worked on over the weekend very soon! :)
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