(July 24, 2017)
In a couple of days I will be 16 weeks along with our second sweet baby! Tomorrow we find out the gender + we couldn't be more excited! Both Jon + I think it will be a girl but I have no idea + would be so happy with either. This pregnancy has been really good. The first trimester was definitely harder this time around so that makes me think that it could be a girl or maybe it was just because I have been dealing with different things...like a toddler + an early morning job?! That could be it! Anyways I have been mad at myself lately because I haven't been very good at documenting this pregnancy so far...it's finally time to start something or else I will regret it!
How far along: about 16 weeks
How big is the peanut: the size of an avocado? My app says 4.61 inches + 3.5 ounces
Total weight gain/loss: definite gain...at my last appointment I was up about 7 lbs. so I'm probably at about 10 lbs. heavier now
Maternity clothes: I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes but my pants + skirts are getting unbearable + occasionally I will wear a maternity shirt!
Sleep: I keep finding myself sleeping on my back + it has kind of been freaking me out/making my back ache even worse! I told Jon last night that I think I will be breaking out the snoogle soon....all he said was "Thanks for the warning!" Haha!
Best moment this week: It hasn't happened yet, but tomorrow we get to see our sweet babe + find out the gender! My sweet sister in law, Michelle + my mama are throwing us a gender reveal party too tomorrow night. So I'm pretty sure all of tomorrow will be pretty great!
Symptoms: Tired all the time! I still feel a little nauseous every now + then too but I think I just need to start eating a little bit more each day.
Food cravings: Fruit, Otter Pops, Cheeto Puffs
Food aversions: This whole pregnancy I have been against eggs - they make me want to gag!
Gender: We find out TOMORROW! YaY!
Labor signs: I have been cramping often but that's probably just gas haha! (TMI!)
Belly button in or out: Still in!
What I miss: Sushi + cold lunch meat.....my mouth is watering.....
What I'm looking forward to: TOMORROW!
Bump: I'm definitely starting to stick out....especially after every meal haha. No, but I do have more of a bump this time around than last. I will try to get a picture soon as evidence!
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