Hudson Jon Wilkey was born on February 1st, 2016 at 8:02 am. He weighed 6 lb 8 oz and was 20 inches long! He has changed our lives for the better and we love him like crazy!!
His due date was January 23, but the little guy was just too content in my belly to make his big debut on time! At one of our doctors appointments a couple of weeks before our due date our Doctor mentioned the possibility of me going over my due date and we set up an appointment for the 25th. I thought for sure I wouldn't make it to that appointment....but little did I know! My due date came and went and the little guy still hadn't joined us yet. Jon and I kept going out to dinner and we went to a couple of movies - each time thinking it would be the last time we went out before our family of two became a family of three! So anyways we ended up going to our appointment on the 25th. Nothing had changed for me - I was dilated to a 1.5 and effaced 70% (I think our Doctor threw in that .5 to just make me feel better haha). But at our appointment we set up a date for me to come in to be induced - Sunday, January 31st. 6 days away! Again I thought, "oh he'll come before then, I don't think I'll make it that far past my due date." Little did I know again!
As the 31st got closer and closer I was getting so anxious and nervous! The day before Jon and I ran a ton of errands and we went and saw Creed to get me pumped up to give birth haha. The next day Jon and I just relaxed and enjoyed our time together as we anxiously waited for 3:00pm to roll around so I could call the hospital to see if they had room for me. We watched a movie, went for a walk, finished packing our bags, made a yummy lunch full of carbs to help give me energy, and we cleaned up a little around the apartment. I thought that I would be more nervous, but thankfully I was at ease for almost the whole day...until I made the call! So I called in at 3, but they were pretty busy and the lady told me to call back around 5 to see how things were going then. 2 more hours of waiting!! I was so bummed and even more anxious and nervous at that point. I may have shed a tear or two - I had waited 8 days past my due date, I didn't want to wait two more hours! Haha... Ok so 5:00 came around and I called again and they had room for me!! Finally the wait was over! Jon gave me such a sweet blessing in our apartment and then we got our stuff together and left for the hospital!
On our way over Jon and I were so calm, it almost didn't seem like we were just about to go have a baby! Once we got to the hospital we went up to the second floor, checked in, and we were brought to our labor and delivery room. They started my IV, set me up on the monitors, checked me to see if I have made any more progress (I hadn't), and then they started the process of inducing me. When they got me all set up on the monitors I was surprised to see that I was having contractions that were coming on pretty strong and they were consistent! These contractions just weren't doing anything for me though, they weren't painful or uncomfortable - I just felt a lot of tightening in my stomach. So doctor had made the plans for giving me a pill (cytotec) that will soften my cervix and then later on starting me on the pit. So the pill was put in place and they gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop my contractions so I could start everything fresh.
After they gave me this pill and shot they had to wait for a few hours to see if it had made an effect and to start the next step so we just waited and had family come to visit for a little bit. At first it was a really laid back night - Jon got a couple of little naps in and I just kind of waited and took it easy! The first few hours passed by and they checked me again. I was now dilated to a 2 just barely and my cervix had softened. Before they started me on the pit, they needed to give me another shot of terbutaline because my contractions had started back up again. This second shot did nothing - my contractions were still there and they were coming on stronger and more consistently. The second shot was given to me around 11pm and from then until 4am my contractions became more painful and definitely noticeable! It was bearable at first but by around 2, I was in tears through each contraction. So my nurse gave me a dose of some pain medication that made me super loopy and it only lasted for about a half an hour and then there I was crying again because of the consistent contractions! I was really not prepared for the contractions that came my way. I thought that I would get little breaks in between them but they came in back to back only giving me a few seconds to prepare for the next one in between each. It was crazy intense. So I asked for more of the pain medication and requested an epidural soon after. At 4am the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural - it was amazing. I am so glad I got it....seriously best decision ever. Haha...
When I got the epidural at 4am I was still dilated to a 2. About an hour later around 5am I was dilated to a 5. By 6am I was dilated to a 7. At 6am the nurses had a shift change and our new nurse came in and checked on us and told me that she would be back in about a half an hour to check on me again. A minute after she left I felt a TON of pressure down below - it felt like our little guys head was making its way down the birth canal! This pressure was not very fun and it made me go into the fetal position. In my head I was thinking this is it, the nurse needs to get back in here before I give birth without her! Little did I know you have to push for a little while! Anyways, seriously a minute after our new nurse left our room I told Jon that I wasn't going to last for another half hour and I called her. She came back in and checked me and I was dilated to a 9.5! Our nurse seemed surprised! After checking me, she called our Doctor and told him I was getting close to deliver and she started setting up our room for the delivery of our little babe. All of this happened around 6:40. I started pushing at this point at every contraction. Boy oh boy did it feel good to push! My epidural worked miracles when it came to pain management, but I was still able to feel things and I was still able to move my legs somewhat. I am so thankful that the epidural didn't completely numb me - it felt so great and empowering to push and work to get our little guy here. Between each of the contractions and pushing, Jon and I would talk with our nurse and we were just getting so excited to be so close to meeting our little guy! (Side note - all of the nurses that helped us out were AWESOME! Jon and I both agreed afterwards that we felt like all of them were now part of our family haha)
So I pushed until about 7:40 and finally our babe's head was crowning. At this point our nurse called our doctor again and told him that he needed to come over to deliver our baby and all of the other nurses came in to assist. Our doctor came within about 10 minutes and I was able to push in full force. I only had to push a few more times and Hudson's head was out then our doctor told me to push one more time, so I did and our sweet babe's little body followed. The nurses wrapped him up and put him right on my belly and Jon cut the umbilical cord. It was the best moment ever to finally see and hold our sweet little guy. I was a big baby - crying and smiling like crazy and Jon was just giddy, laughing and saying hi to our Hudson. The doctor finished up everything down there, taking care of the placenta and stitching up a small tear I had. (I was pretty worried about tearing, but with everything else going on down there I didn't even notice or feel it happening - thank goodness!) The nurses wiped down Hudson while he was on my belly and then they took him to weigh, measure, and check out our little guy. We were so surprised to find out that he only weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. A week before at our ultrasound, the tech had told us that our guy was weighing about 7 lbs. 12 oz. (haha he was just a little off!). After they took care of our little guy I was able to do skin to skin with him and then breastfeed. Another really sweet moment! I love doing skin to skin!
Jon was seriously the best throughout everything - gosh, how did I get so lucky? Instead of telling me how to breath each time a contraction hit, he would start breathing deeply to remind me what I needed to do. He was right by my side throughout the whole night and he was just so supportive. Multiple times I told him that I was a big baby and that I couldn't handle the pain, but he kept telling me that I wasn't a baby and that I was doing such a great job. He always knew what to say! Geesh, he is such an awesome husband and now dad.
While we were still in the labor and delivery room, my mom and Jon's parents came in to meet their new grandson. Throughout the delivery, they were anxiously waiting out in the hallway! It was so sweet to see them with our little guy. Hudson is so loved by all of our family and friends! Jon and I are so thankful for all of the love and support our little family has been given.
We stayed in the hospital until Tuesday night and then we headed home. That first week with our sweet son was the hardest week of my entire life. With a newborn at home, you have to adjust to so much while worrying about every little thing. Now every day gets better and better and we are settling into life with our Hudson. We love him so very much!
I loved reading that. Got me teary eyed. :) you are the sweetest parents. Can't wait to meet him.
ReplyDelete(Side note: once I got the epideral with Cal, I kept saying that feels like the celestial kingdom. Haha. Tyler was like "huh?" It was just so wonderful to have that pain taken away so quickly! I couldnt describe it any other way. :) I was probably loopy too.)