So here is the full length story of how Jon and I got to where we are now! Bear with me!
When Jon and I first got married we decided that we would wait a little longer and get more school done before we started to have kids. Right from the bat we both knew that we wanted to have kids and we would always talk about the future and what kind of parents we would be. I loved all of those conversations that we had. But back to the story....when we first got married I was on birth control and took it for a little less than a year if I remember right. I stopped taking it because I really felt like it was our time to hop on the baby train and start having little Wilkey's and to add to it I kept getting bad stomach aches and I felt like that linked to the pill. So Jon and I officially started trying to have kids and we tried for a little less than a year with no success. Truth be told I was sad and felt discouraged and I kept asking myself, Would this ever happen? Would I get to be a mom in this life? Jon and I would talk about our worries and concerns but we kept coming to the conclusion that it just wasn't our time and that everything would work out.
So I switched my major and Jon and I put having babies on the back burner while we both focused more on our schooling. We tried other forms of birth control besides the pill and went on with our lives. We continued to have fun conversations about what kind of parents we wanted to be, baby names we liked, etc. I continued dreaming of the day when Jon and I would be parents.
During the Fall of 2014 I decided that I wanted to go on accutane while I was still in school and while we weren't planning on having kids any time soon. So I had to go back on the pill and I was fine with that if I could get rid of the acne that liked to live on my face! I think I officially started the treatments in November and only took accutane for a month. There was nothing wrong with the treatment, but bills started coming in and I felt like maybe I shouldn't be doing this treatment. It was a weird time and a couple of mistakes were made on my part with the long process of the iPledge program. All in all it was a weird and short experience! So come January 2015 I was still on birth control because I did not want to get pregnant and risk any birth defects that could come from having been on accutane. I stayed on the pill until March just to be safe and to ensure that I could finish my schooling by December if I did become pregnant.
As you can probably tell Jon and I put a lot of thought into when we should start trying to have kids again and I am happy that we did! SO we started trying to have little kiddos again in April. April was a lucky month for us because I am prego!!!! All through April I tried not to get my hopes up and I definitely did not think that I would get pregnant so quickly.
How did I find out? Well as I was nearing closer and closer to when I was expecting my period. I became so anxious to see if I was pregnant or not. And I think more than that I didn't want my hopes to be up any longer than they had to be if my period were to come or not. Does that make sense? So anyways, 3 days before my period was supposed to start I took an at home pregnancy test and I was so surprised to see a faint second line appear (WOOHOO!) (Wednesday, May 13, 2015)! I got so giddy and I worried that maybe it was not real (I still feel that way)! I kept thinking I haven't seen or felt any symptoms of pregnancy yet and what if I took the test wrong or what if it was a faulty pregnancy test?! Haha the joys of having a woman's mind..... I decided that I would wait a day or two and take another test because I did a TON of research on faint lines on a pregnancy test. All of the research led me to believe that I truly was pregnant and that if I gave it a day or two the line would appear darker because my hormones would be increased. So I waited...
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See it's so faint! Can you understand why I was worried? |
Jon and I both agreed that we would wait until Saturday before I took another test, but my anxious self could not handle the wait. I took another test on Friday morning and guess what? The second line was there again and it appeared darker! :) :) :) I told Jon right away and as of now I think it is safe to say that I am pregnant. I am going to be a momma!!! It seems so unreal. I hate to say this because I think it will probably kick me in the bum but I want to start feeling some symptoms so that I actually feel pregnant! I guess we will see what comes my way in this journey....
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Yeah I know this is upside down...but you still get the idea right?It's darker! :) |
January 23, 2016..... so excited!
Hahahahahaha oh my gosh! May 13th was a great day!!! I can't believe this was the same night!!! And that you guys still CAME to my birthday! Best friends ever!!! And best birthday present ever!!! I am putting my vote in now, it's gotta be a girl!