May 17, 2013

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

Dear 16 year-old self,

1. Boys aren't everything.
2. School and grades MATTER!
3. I am pretty sure I have always known this, but your parents are seriously the best.
4. Move your bangs out of your eyes.
5. (Boys aren't everything.) You don't need to always have a boyfriend.
6. Your friends are seriously so great. Take advantage of having them close by!
7. Love and spend more time with your brothers.
8. Study and take school seriously... it just gets harder.
9. Keep up with cross country - be the best you can be.
10. Take advantage of living in Florida... you will miss it terribly someday soon!

I definitely feel ok saying that if I would have known these things, life could have been easier. But honestly, I really do not regret anything. My life has been great! Some aspects have been hard and I still struggle with things each and every day, but I have learned and continue to learn and grow from those struggles and they have only made me stronger!

16 year-old your self!

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