May 31, 2013

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

1. Having weekends off

Our weekends are considered to be our summer, so when Fridays roll around I am always jumping up and down to not have to worry about anything until Monday. I love summers in Logan, and I am so glad that Jon and I have the weekends off to enjoy it!

2. Jon

I love my husband so much. I am so very thankful to be married to such a caring, funny, HOT, hard - working, selfless, loving man. Geesh I could go on and on with that list but in short... Jon is the best and he makes me so happy each and every day.

He's such a stud!

3. Yummy leftovers

I think that's enough said... I'll be sad when our Creamy Chicken & Broccoli Over Rice is gone...

4. Family

Tyler and Michelle are going to be here in less than a month and I am so excited!
My brothers are such great guys and it has been awhile (too long!) since I have seen either of them. Although it will be a little while longer until I see Jer ( ~ 1 year and 3 months!!), I can't wait to see Tyler and his cute wife, Michelle. Tyler and I were really close growing up and I have really missed having him around! It will be so good to see them!

my brothers are so handsome!

5. Having freshly painted finger nails

Random, I know, but mine are fresh and I am happy! :)  

May 17, 2013

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

Dear 16 year-old self,

1. Boys aren't everything.
2. School and grades MATTER!
3. I am pretty sure I have always known this, but your parents are seriously the best.
4. Move your bangs out of your eyes.
5. (Boys aren't everything.) You don't need to always have a boyfriend.
6. Your friends are seriously so great. Take advantage of having them close by!
7. Love and spend more time with your brothers.
8. Study and take school seriously... it just gets harder.
9. Keep up with cross country - be the best you can be.
10. Take advantage of living in Florida... you will miss it terribly someday soon!

I definitely feel ok saying that if I would have known these things, life could have been easier. But honestly, I really do not regret anything. My life has been great! Some aspects have been hard and I still struggle with things each and every day, but I have learned and continue to learn and grow from those struggles and they have only made me stronger!

16 year-old your self!

May 16, 2013

3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.

I absolutely love Jon with all of my heart. I can honestly say that he is my better half, and I can't imagine life without him. Our relationship is wonderful, I get to spend everyday with my best friend by my side...what can be better than that?

Our relationship is silly, selfless, happy, romantic, Christ-centered, honest, happy, playful, serious, friendly, and many many other characteristics.

When I first met Jon, right away I noticed how happy he was and how fun he was to be around. I remember seeing him for the first time at a game night and instantly I knew that I had to get to know him and that I wanted to date him. He got my number that night and ever since then I have been so incredibly happy. 
Jon is a really silly guy, he can make anyone laugh and he is so good at making people feel comfortable. (he is definitely my other half because I am quiet and am probably not the best at making people feel comfortable...I try!) Now that we are married though, I feel like we are always laughing and I love it. 
I always try to come up with different things I can do for Jon to let him know that I care about him (especially during those times when we are both in school and hardly ever see each other!) and Jon is always doing different things to make me happy, there is never a doubt in my mind that Jon truly cares about me.
From day one of being Mr. and Mrs. Wilkey we have made sure to pray and read scriptures together every day. I think it has definitely made a difference in our relationship and in our home. When we do pray and read together, I feel like there is a different kind of peace in our home and in us as we go about our days. I think it is essential to include our Heavenly Father in everything, because of him I know that Jon and I will be together throughout all eternity!
I feel like I could go on and on about my lovely relationship with Jon, but that would be one LONG post! So here are some of my favorite pictures with my handsome hubs. I am so thankful and lucky to have such a wonderful husband, I love being his wife and love experiencing every moment of this life with him.     

One of our first date at the corn maze!

Four Wheeling in the Uintas
Wedding day...the best day of my life.
About a year after we got married. Gah - I LOVE HIM!

May 14, 2013

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have

Maybe I should change the 30 day blog topics to 30 week blog is busy! 3 fears...

I can't really think of any crazy intense fears that I have. But I can think of little things that scare me, so I'll go with that!

1. Bees

- I actually have a funny bee Relief Society this past Sunday we were just getting into the lesson and then we saw two bees just flying around the room. All of the girls in the class were just staring at them hoping that they wouldn't fly down and sting them. We were all distracted and soon enough several of the girls were standing up trying to swat the bees or to shoo them outside. Then one of the girls left and got the bishop. Our bishop then came in with a broom and was trying to swat them haha, it was a great Sunday lesson. One of the bees finally flew outside and then the other one we finally smashed. (It's probably not as funny reading about it as it was actually being there!)

- I swear I attract bees... jeez I do not like them...

2. Finding some stranger in my closet.

- I think I am just paranoid when it comes to this. I remember when I was growing up I always worked up the courage and checked my closet before I went to bed or else I would lay in bed worrying about it for hours. (On the rare nights that I am home alone, I still check the closets and I still have to work up the courage to do so) I am not sure what caused this fear, but wouldn't it be scary if there was some creeper hiding in your closet?!

3.  Being alone

- This is pretty sappy and I am sure tons of people share this same fear, but I am scared to be alone. And this loneliness is tied into death and just plain old simple... being home alone. I always hate talking with Jon about death and the "if something happens...". It always makes me really sad, even though I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and he would not give us any kind of challenges that he knew we could not handle, it still scares me...I can't imagine life without my other half. I sure do love Jon and am so thankful that I can be with him through out all eternity!

May 10, 2013

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

1. I don't have a middle name.

2. I lovvee the smell of fabric softner sheets. 

3. I am a sucker for men in glasses (Jon is such a hottie!)!

4. My favorite color is turquoise. I love ANYTHING that is that pretty color!

5. In high school I had a phase when I was a rock music junkie. (Dyed my hair dark dark brown and listened to screamo)...I think I can thank my brother Tyler for that!

6. My favorite food is anything potato. YUM! Oh! and Hawaiian Haystacks! 

7. I love the Twilight books and movies. Don't hate, I'm an Edward fan!

8. I moved around quite a bit growing up. I have lived in Utah, Alabama, Washington, and Florida. But I consider myself to be a Floridian! 

9. I dream of the day that Jon and I will be able to vacation to Florida. 

10. Favorite ice cream...Ben-n-Jerry's Half Baked

11. In high school my car was close to being voted the worst car. (haha thanks to chipped paint and duct taped on head lights)

12. Jon and I love going on picnics! (I'm so glad it's summer so we can go on more!)

13. I love watching TV Shows....Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Cake Boss, Parks and Recreation...!

14. I love cooking...dinner...dessert...I hope someday I can be as good of a cook as my mom!

15. Pretty random... Jon and I would love to live in Bountiful, Utah someday.

16. I am really quiet and to myself, but once you get to know me I open up! 

17. I am really self-conscious 

18. I had braces on for about 6 years!

19. This is kind of dorky but I love going bowling!

20. If I could be anywhere right now, I would be at Anna Maria Island in Florida, relaxing on the beach! (Swoon)

Here we go...

Ok here we go! I thought that since it is summer now (even though it doesn't feel like it) I would do this 30 day blog post topics! So stick with me as I do this, and maybe you can join along!!

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. What’s the hardest part of growing up?
14. Describe 5 weaknesses and strengths you have.
15. Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. Describe your relationship with your parents.
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
24. What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What’s your favorite quality in your spouse?
29. What are your hopes and dreams for your posterity?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.