I am now 20 years old.
I don't really feel 20, but that's okay...when do you actually start to feel your age?
I mean there have been those years when I have felt my age (and I am sure there will be more of those later years to come)
When I turned 8 I was baptized.
When I turned 12 I moved on up from primary to young women's and a couple years later at 14, I was allowed to go to church dances.
I claimed 16 to be the best year for awhile, that was the year I got to go on dates, drive, get a job, and somewhat be independent. (side note...I cried so hard on my 17th birthday because I never wanted year 16 to end) haha...
And from then on my birthdays haven't really had those little quirks! Sure, at 18 I was counted legal and I was somewhat considered an "adult" but since my 17th birthday it seems like these days are just like any other.
To add to Jon's birthday jokes for me...he had told me that once I turned 20 I would gain 20 pounds, and that would make me realize that I am 20 and I would feel my age...haha luckily that hasn't happened yet and hopefully never will!
I am kind of sounding like a debbie downer tonight...I am very sorry! I am not down about my age...I am honestly excited! It's a whole new year of my life and there is still a lot to look forward to!
I had a great birthday! I love those years when your birthday lands on a Friday, because in some ways that whole weekend can be all yours! :)
On Friday morning I woke up to balloons on my door and birthday banners in my apartment (thanks to my wonderful roommates!). And then later that day Jon picked me up and we drove to Ogden for dinner and games with my family! We went to this great Vietnamese restaurant and then played in an arcade for awhile afterwards. (originally we were supposed to go bowling but there were tournaments going on). The arcade was fun though! I left with a handy dandy woopie cushion and a couple other goodies haha! After that we went back to my parents house and had some yummy german chocolate cake and I opened presents! Can I just say that my parents are simply the best! :) My mom had me take home the rest of the cake (and there was a lot leftover!) so we stopped by Jon's and I gave him and his roommates a plateful and then we watched a couple episodes of the office!
And then the fun just continued! I absolutely love those days when you have most of it to yourself. Saturday I slept in, cleaned the apartment, and just relaxed with my roommates during the day. It was really nice! And then to end the day perfectly -- Jon planned a great night for us! He cooked this delicious dinner -- stuffed porkchops & angel hair pasta. (I gotta say that I love men that can cook...and Jon has definitely got that down! ;)) After dinner he gave me my birthday present and then we watched Kate & Leopold! It was such a good night!
And today Tyler and Michelle came over to wish me a happy birthday, they are so much fun and so sweet. Spending a little bit of time with them made my day! They both have such great taste as well...for my birthday they got me a cute plaid shirt and a beautiful necklace! Have I told you that I am so excited to have Michelle in the family? She is so gorgeous and fun!
Thank you to everyone who made this birthday wonderful!