March 31, 2017

14 Month Old Hudson Jon

Heart eyes for daysssssss 

Being a cute stinker at church

Love nutrigrain bars!

Puppy Hudson going face first into his breakfast

Things I want to remember about sweet little 14 month old Hudson:

- He loves to feed Jon + I food. Just recently he has been wanting to use a spoon all on his own to eat! He gets so messy but he loves it!

- He loves to give kisses! He will pucker up + even make a cute smooching sound! I must say they are the 2nd best kisses around (Jonny boy's are #1!)

- Still loves Zootopia + Hotel Transylvania. If I need to get some things done around the house, I just turn one of those movies on! I need to try different movies....any suggestions? 

- Whenever I feed him a snack, he will sit on my lap facing me + I just love it. It is the cutest.

- When he wakes up in the morning or after a nap he will carry around his soft blankets for awhile. He loves them!

- Has two cute little bottom teeth + one top tooth coming through!

- He loves to wear hats + you can tell that he thinks he is so cool whenever he has one on! Haha!

- His dance moves are the best! He just spins in circles + swings his arms back + forth until he gets too dizzy.

- If you ask him to show you his belly button he will lift up his shirt + touch his belly button + then he points at Jon + I wanting us to lift up our shirts so he can see our belly buttons too. It is pretty funny. He also knows where his nose is! (And recently we have caught him with his finger up his nose a couple times....he's gonna be a nose picker!)

- When Jon + I tell Hud to go get something or to go somewhere or to see one of us, it seems like Hudson knows what we are saying because he will listen + do as we say! Little smartie!

- He loves going places. Whenever we leave our home I ask Hud if he is ready to go + he bolts to the front door + starts saying "go, go go." He has especially loved going to the park when we had warmer weather. :)

There is so much more I could say about Hudson. He surprises me everyday with everything that he does. I have so much love for my sweet boy.  

March 7, 2017


- Right now we are transitioning Hudson off of breastmilk. When he turned one I was still feeding him about 6 times a day. He loves breastfeeding! But I always said I would stop when my kids started pulling up my shirt or when they started to pull my shirt down - haha I think we have hit that point. Hudson is a smart little guy. So a week ago I started weaning him off. I didn't really want to just go cold turkey + stop all together (for his sake + mine!) so I just started by taking one feeding out at a time in three day increments. We are down to three feedings now + we might stay like this for another week or two - at this point I am just focusing on Hudson + am trying to think about what would be best for him as I stop feeding him. I think the last three feedings will definitely be the hardest! Wish us luck!

- Jon + I are trying so hard to be healthier + to work out more. The food part is always so hard for me. Especially as a stay at home mom - I am constantly wanting to snack on something! I need some ideas of snack foods that will fill me up + are healthy! I will have an apple with peanut butter just about every day + that seems to fill me up for a little while. I also really like this smoothie that my sister in law told me about - it is super simple + tasty! It's 1-2 cups almond milk, 1 frozen banana, + 1-2 TB PB fit powder. It's way good + sometimes I will add in a little bit of Jon's Chocolate Whey Protein powder when I'm craving chocolate. But really those two things are all I've got right this snack queen out! What do you eat for snacks?
As for working out...I used to run a lot + loved that + I still do run a mile or so whenever I go to the gym but I don't really love it like I used to. Right now I am starting over the Kayla Itsines BBG workouts + they are kicking my butt - I am only on week 2 but geesh I am shaking by the time I am done with each workout! It's nice because it only takes about 30 minutes to complete the workout + it's set up as a three times a week routine with your own cardio on the other days. I really love working out + the way it makes me feel afterwards. I always feel so much happier when I'm healthy.

- Jon + I went on a date the other night + it was so nice to get away just the two of us for a little bit. We definitely need to do that more often! But we went out to dinner + then went to the movies + saw Lion. Oh my goodness was that movie good! We would both recommend seeing it for sure + if you do go, bring some tissues! I cried at least 5 different times throughout the movie + all the way home in the car!

- We are really hoping that it will start feeling more like Spring over here soon! I want to get out of the house with Hudson + take him to the park! I have also been thinking a lot about signing him up for swim lessons sometime soon because he loves the water so much! Any thoughts from mama's out there? Have any of your littles taken swim lessons?

Hope you're having a good start to your March!

February + 13 Month Old Hud

February was a great month! We celebrated Hudson + Jon's birthdays + the superbowl, Jon's cute sister came home from her mission so we spent some time up in Logan for her homecoming + we enjoyed some time together just the three of us!

We decided that we would just have cake + celebrate Hud's birthday on the Sunday after his real birthday, which was also the superbowl. It worked out great! I made this yummy banana bundt cake for everyone + a chocolate peanut butter cake for Hudson. I think Hudson liked squeezing the cake + frosting in his hands more than he liked eating it - but that's ok! He sill made quite the mess!

Jon's birthday was on the 3rd of February! I love the days each year that are dedicated to just celebrating him. He deserves to be celebrated every single day. I sure love him + am so incredibly thankful for all that he does for our little family. Anyways...on his birthday we went to Toucanos for dinner + spent the rest of the night regretting how much food we ate! It was a fun night!

Rachel came home from her mission a few weeks ago + it has been so nice to have her back! She is always so happy + kind - she has always been such a great example to me. It was so fun to be with Jon's family for a couple of days for her homecoming + it is always so nice to go back to Logan every now + then. We sure miss that place!

Jon planned Valentine's Day this year + it was really laid back - which was so nice! We ordered a pizza, got dessert from Kneaders, + we watched a movie! It was perfect. Jon also surprised me with some beautiful red roses + chocolate covered cinnamon bears - YUM!

Hudson is now 13 months old. Seriously where does the time go?! I am still in denial that my little baby is now a toddler! Hudson:
- Loves to clap his hands
- When you ask him where his nose is he will touch his nose or our noses
- He loves yogurt, fruit, bread, string cheese, nutri grain bars, juice, asparagus, pizza
- Pretty much sleeps through the night
- Still loves bath time....especially when bubbles are added!
- Loves walking around with no clothes on
- Has an obsession with hats + cleaning supplies (particularly brooms!)
- Will blow kisses + wave
- Loves freedom + hates when he can't walk around when we go somewhere
- Still has his cute birthmark by his eye
- He knows when he isn't supposed to have something + he will grab whatever it is + runaway
- Loves unrolling the toilet paper
- Has become very ticklish
- Cuddles with us more + more
- Has two bottom teeth
- Loves carrying around his soft blankets + has become pretty possessive of them

Life is good. :)