I have thought about hopping back onto the blogging train for quite awhile, but I always get discouraged. I start comparing my life and blog to others and think that my life is boring! This may be very true....but I love my life. For this reason, I will hop on here and blog every now and then.... for myself and my own record!
Last year was a complete blur. I'll take you through a condensed version of our year...well as condensed as it can be. (warning: this is a fairly long post)
I took a semester off from school as I was waiting to get accepted into the very competitive Elementary Education program at USU. While away from school I had the amazing opportunity to be a Reading Aide for some very adorable Kindergarten students. I loved that job - it made me even more excited to become a teacher!
Springtime was so blissful with fun trips, family time, and not worrying about school!
Last Spring Jon and I took an EPIC trip to Florida with two of our greatest friends - Braden & Julie. We got amazing deals on almost everything for our trip so that just adds to the epicness! We first flew to Georgia to meet up with Braden and Julie - they showed us around a little bit that night and we ate some delicious Korean food and tofu donuts. The next day we took a road trip down to Florida. We drove straight to Tampa to have dinner with Braden's cousin and then went to my hometown to spend the night with a family friend. Man do I miss living in Florida - everyone is SO nice and laid back!! The next morning we went on our way to hop on our cruise to the Bahamas. I don't think I can describe how much fun we had on this cruise! In the Bahama's we rented scooters for the day and later on walked through the town in search of fried conch fritters (DELICIOUS!). The next day we went to Coco Cay Island. It was so relaxing there and the weather was perfect! Jon and I love cruising....good food (and tons of it), the beach, all you can eat nachos and ice cream, beautiful places, pampering.....the list could go on and on!
After our cruise we headed to Orlando for our next stop to HARRY POTTER LAND! HP Land is such a magical place...we were in tears when we left the park! Go if you get the chance! We were then on our way back to Georgia to make our flight back home. Jon and I had been planning and looking forward to this trip for quite some time and lets just say that it definitely went by way too fast! We are now in the process of planning our next adventure.... :)
Soon after we got home my mom and I had the opportunity to go to Missouri to visit Tyler, Michelle, and my cute little nephew Cal. We had such a great time there - visiting church sites, playing games, helping revamp their cute kitchen, eating yummy food, playing with Cal... hopefully Jon and I will be able to visit them this year!
In the Spring I was accepted into the Education program at USU. I was very surprised! After my group interview I thought that I would never be accepted - but one day I had this strong feeling that I needed to go check the mail (I never check the mail!!). So I went out and found an envelope from USU addressed to me and sure enough it was an acceptance letter! Lots of emotions were displayed the rest of the day....tears, excitement, dancing, screaming, shock... I started the program last Fall and I have loved it! (And can't wait to finish!)
Last summer was pretty laid back! Jon and I worked a lot and just enjoyed our time together before school started. Jon got a great job that started over the summer and it has been such a blessing. He works in a counseling office at a local High School and gets lots of opportunities to work with students. He will be finishing his Masters in School Counseling this December! He is such a hard worker - I am so grateful for him.
To start off the summer we went to St. George and Vegas with my parents. We always have so much fun spending time with them. While we were there we ate yummy food (as always), went to a show, walked the strip, saw the water show, hiked at Zion's National Park, and just enjoyed our time together!
Last summer we also went on a little trip to Park City right before school started and we had such a good time! Don't you love little getaways?!
Jeremy also got home from his mission in August! I am so happy he is back home - he sure was missed! He has grown up so much and I am so proud of him.
In August I ran my second Half Marathon and accomplished my goal of running it in under 2 hours! And then in September Jon crossed off something on his bucket list...he ran a Marathon. We both trained diligently for our races and were so happy with our results. Jon also dressed up as Forrest Gump for the last mile of his race and he made the newspaper!!
The ELED program is split up into 4 levels. The first level you can complete without getting into the program and then the second is the first thing you complete after you get accepted. So last semester I completed level 2 and this semester I am in level 3. The ELED program has been very time consuming and challenging but I have loved every moment of it. I have never been good at school but ever since I decided to switch my major and become a teacher I have excelled. I am so thankful for Heavenly Father, Jon, and family and friends who guided me towards becoming a teacher.
Jon did surprise me with a fun date night in the fall though to a Train concert! SO FUN!!
The Holidays were wonderful...they always go by way too fast, but I loved the break and all of the time that we spent with family, friends, and each other.
Both Jon and I have big plans and ideas for this year and I can't wait. Life is truly wonderful.