December 21, 2012

Christmas Tradition

For as long as I can remember my mom and I have made a tradition of going to The Nutcracker ballet every December around Christmas time. We love it! We got to go yesterday night and it was so good, probably the best (besides the skin tight, nude colored tights the men wore...hah yikes!).
 Even though my mom and I are not dancers by any means we love this tradition and recommend it!

Hope you are enjoying some fun Christmas Traditions with your family!

December 11, 2012

New Additions to the Wilkey Household

Recently we have gained a lot of fun things in our cute apartment.

This chair below used to be BRIGHT orange and very retro, it was a really cute chair and it had a lot of potential (and it was free!) So I took it in and covered the lovely orange with this cute chevron fabric. And it is now gracing our bedroom, I love it!

And a Piano!!!!! It was a retired piano in a church building and it was a steal of a deal! It's crazy how it all happened, because that is just about the last thing on our list to get! Hopefully now I can just get back into playing... 

It has been so fun adding to our home, I wonder what will come next!

December 10, 2012

starting fresh...again

It has been so long since I have been on here, I thought that I would change up my blog and spice it up a bit! Stay tuned for a better, longer, more updated post!

Here's a little quote for Christmas!

I'll be back soon!