April 26, 2010

To My Grandma Shuman

My Grandma Shuman passed away close to a year ago. (Well a month from around this time) She was the sweetest person. I never really got to say goodbye to her, she passed away unexpectedly and my family lived in Florida at the time. I've been thinking a lot about her lately though and all of the sweet memories I have of going to my grandparents house. From hot tubbing to doing crazy hair styles with lots of gel and blow dryers, I will never forget her and every day I try to be just like her. She welcomed everyone into her home and loved getting to know people. I will never forget when her and my grandpa came down to Florida one time. My grandma had a whole container of pills and she put that container in her suitcase and her suitcase on the floor. We had gone to dinner one day and came back to find my dog, Rainey, in all of her pills! Water pills, muscle relaxers...and tons more! Haha, funniest night ever. Rainey had to go to the bathroom like every 15 minutes and she moved so slow! Poor thing...still going strong!
Grandma Shuman loved all of her family and I know she would have done anything for any of us. She was the greatest.
I love you Grandma!

April 22, 2010

My roommates are the greatest! Haha that's just Jena, Sara, and Me - I'll have to get one of all of us up on here sometime, but they are awesome! :)
Here's a few thoughts...
- I see bigger belt buckles here than I do in Polk County, Florida. Hah, I didn't think that could be possible!
- Old people are adorable. The other night I was taking care of one of my residents and when I was getting him ready for bed he said "I bet you girls wish you had legs like mine." haha!
- My family is amazing! I love them all so much!
- School kinda stinks. It feels like it will never end and I'm only a Freshman!
- I sometimes wish I was bold enough to be like the lady who walks down main street with her ipod in dancing her way downtown. She's just a little crazy, but she doesn't care!

April 14, 2010

Seagulls in Utah? Huh?

It is finally starting to feel like spring! And I now, more then ever, want to go to the beach! Especially after wearing sandals today - my feet are so white! Okay, I am white all around!

For some reason I had it in my mind that seagulls only live by the beach. I am apparently very wrong. Walking to class today, I heard and saw several seagulls! And that just added to my want to go to the beach! I don't quite understand...seagulls...in Utah? What?!

April 13, 2010

I am officially out of shape. I guess it doesn't help that I am running in this dry, high altitude, Utah weather. But I have realized that I really miss running - and being able to run for a ways! I am just getting back to running 2 miles, hopefully I can keep it up! I need to get back in shape!

April 12, 2010

CNA Perks!

So much has happened since I last blogged! I don't even know where to start.
I transferred to Utah State for this Spring Semester and I love it! Tyler is up here too, so it has been a lot of fun to be able to hang out with him and meet new people. Although I do miss my Weber State roommates, I have the sweetest roommates here at USU. They are all so great and funny! I love them all!
I also have a job up here. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant at a Rehab Center here in Logan. I have to deal with a lot of disgusting things, but past all of that I really love my job. I can honestly say that old people make my day.
My old people say some pretty silly things. Yesterday at work I helped my buddy get back to his room after dinner and he told me that "my generosity exceeds my good looks" haha! What a sweetheart. I look forward to seeing these people every time I go to work :)